On March 14th , meeting the worldwide COVID-19 outbreak, Lianzhong Medical released the first “ International 2nd opinion for COVID-19”platform ( COVID platform ):
https://covid.eimageglobal.com(Click the link)
3月14日,面对新型冠病毒肺炎的全球爆发,ob体育医疗发布了第一个新冠肺炎国际咨询平台“International 2nd opinion for COVID-19”(简称国际平台):
The first platform linked Guangxi International Zhuang Medicine Hospital and Phnom Penh Hong En Hospital, provide image sharing, video consulting, and text consulting tools to doctors. The COVID platform will help doctors consult for COVID-19 patients using professional medical tools. The COVID platform is open to all doctors in Cambodia to get a 2nd opinion from radiologists, pulmonologists and Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) doctors. As we know now, TCM act pretty good for COVID-19 treatment in China.
The COVID-19 platform is customized from eimageglobal.com which is a worldwide DICOM images sharing and consultation website. Founded in 2015, they have served more than 60 countries, more than 60 million people, and more than 100 thousand doctors.
As a branch of eimagelobal.com, the COVID-19 platform integrated a powerful web based DICOM viewer, especially for Lung CT scan images. The MPR and Slice thickness adjustment will help radiologist and pulmonologists to read with greater ease and accuracy.
We hope the COVID-19 platform,as a medical tool, may serve more international medical collaboration unit , help human being to win the fight against the COVID-19.